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CALLING PEOPLE OF DISTANCE 3x bismillaahirrohmaanirrohiim 3x istighfar Shahada 3x Alloohumma Sholli 'ala Sayyidina Muhammad 3x He Hawla wala quwwata billahil illa 'aliyyil' adhiim 3x 1. LI RIDHOO ILLAAHI Exalted Fatihah 1X 2. ILA HADROTIN NABIYYIL Musthofa Sayyidina Muhammad SAW Fatihah 1X 3. WA ILA HADROTI Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani RODHIYALLOOHU 'AN AL-Fatihah 1X 4. WA ILA HADROTI Sheikh DIRIN Fatihah 1X 5. WA ILA HADROTI Shohibul diplomas Abah Raffi CIREBON Fatihah 1X 6. WA KUSUSON ILA Ruhi WAJASADI (name of the person who will be called) BIN / BINTI (the name of his biological mother) Fatihah 1X 7. WA KUSUSON ILA Ruhi WAJASADI Shohibul urination (your name) BIN / BINTI (the name of his biological mother) Fatiha 1kali YAA FATTAAHU 108X YAA LATHIIFU 129X And prayed to God's intention and purpose of you ..... The deeds for Allah willing, to call people who are targeted in order to come to see you. practiced at mid night and above. For a clearer procedure for its practices, please contact Mr. WOCO